Sunday, October 27, 2002

INCUBUS - enough said....holy crap.....woah

On another note...Chris Riley informs me that as Nebraska fans tried to storm Kyle Field after their win (a dumb move in the first place), the Corps of Cadets at A&M drew their swords!
I cant believe it...holy ridiculous is that?
I'll answer that question - UNBELIEVABLY ridiculous
Why on earth would they do that? If some excited Husker fan decided to step onto the 20 yardline, would a "protective" Cadet have rammed his sword through his rib cage and pierced his heart?
I dont know - maybe he would have...I'd say hopefully not, for his own good as well as the crazed fan's.
There would be absolutly no justification for a criminally stupid (and serious) offense. Would this Cadet have been charged with murder? YES. Would this Cadet probably have the support of most of the Corps and/or the University? YES. I hope that any Texas Aggie out there would not support their actions of rendering their arms to "defend" the "sacred ground" that large, angry men (from both Nebraska and A&M) just played a game on. Why, Cadets? Why?! Give me, someone! Anyone! to justify these absurd actions. If i'm wrong or mistaken about the FACTS in any way (not drawing their swords, or whatever) let me know so i may retract the commentary if i deem it to be stupid.
Other than that Score 1 for UT and loss of a point for A&M this weekend in my college decision game (choice that most likely will be between A&M and UT).
Right now, I'm a Bearkat...and we must beat Klein Forest

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