I was going to try and make my blog funny, but, oh wait, i cant make it funny, it just has to be humorous to whoever finds it funny.
If its not funny, then you dont have to laugh or read my blog.
Anyway, Let me tell you why i'm taking Latin 4 - 'Honors' - there is really one main reason, and thats because i didnt work hard enough in the following classes: Psychology, Latin 2, English 1, Precal advanced, and some others.
You see, i'm 11, now, spots away from the top 10 percent of my class. When i got my class rank in the summer, I was 100 out f 926 people. I was expecting my class rank to be somewhere well within the threshold of the top 10 percent, so when i found out that i was 7 spaces out, you can imagine (or maybe you cant) how pissed off i was. This is something that just gets me frustrated. I cant stand the fact that I got beat out of my top 10 percent spots (for the time being however) by people like Grant Sherrick, for instance, since he's sitting 2 spots down from me as i type. I believe he's number 78 and i know for a fact that he conisders himself "extremely lazy" and i'm pretty sure i can beat him on any type of standardized or specialized test. Taking nothing from him but, i think maybe i worked a liiiiiiiitle bit harder than he did. Oh well, there are more important things in life. I'm going to be working harder to maybe boost myself into the top 10 percent by the semester break; seeing now that i am 11 spots out since 30 people found something better to do than EARN A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! holy crap - are people really just that ignorant of education and work, or do they just think that maybe mommy and/or daddy will provide everything for them for the rest of the FRIGGIN' LIVES! pitiful...lame...the list goes on of words i'd like to say to people who disregard education and all the opportunites it brings. Go home, live with you parents, and maybe someday you'll marry someone with a work ethic who's going to make something of their lives, unlike you. I hope my friends all will work hard in college, cuz i know i will.
In other news, it seems that people like to get drunk on weekends. People in high school do this for any number of reasons. Some of the reasons i've heard as to why they 'drink' i will list in the following sentences. Told to me yesterday: "I dont really do it alot, but when you're at a party and everyone's doing it, you'll look just gay if you dont join in, so i do it...
Well to any of my readers who drink regularly in college or high school or heck, even after college...i hope you are having fun - and i hope you are enjoying the entertainment you pay for. Understand this: i do not support what you are doing. I believe its wrong, and i believe it is ridiculous, but understand this also: If you are my friend you are my friend, and i'm not going to completely disregard our friendship because of what you do. What you do is what you do, but i just wont support it. I'm sure i'll post more on this topic later but, i'm through for now.
its time to get to work in Latin. Natalie Swallow has just informed me that this project is due monday and guess who's absent, my partner. This is turning quickly into a great day.
But as Austin Adams says "Hey man, dont worry about it, you're going to Heaven"
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