Wednesday, October 30, 2002

So this day got progressively worse

As one 'Mr. Boyd' of a band 'Incubus' puts it:

Hey what would it mean to you
To know that it'll come back around again
Hey whatever it means to you
Know that everything moves in circles
Round and round we go

Some days rock, some days suck, but i suppose that I'll try my best to buck up and let the sucky days kick me in the ((pants)), and try to remember how i feel on the good days...becuase I know they too will come again...and so my life turns - in CIRCLES - and one day i hope that I will have worked hard enough and trusted God enough to have days that are more like an oval - where a majority of the time - it will be good - on one side or another - but the tough times will just be lessend...

I hope the day will come soon
Well guess what...
Some people think (sometimes) that I'm a little too sheltered.
Daniel: "Man, Jackass was so freaking funny."
Mystery person: "YOU saw JACKASS???!!!"
Daniel: "Huh? Yea why wouldn't I have seen jackass - its hilarious"
Mystery person: "Well it has some like really rauchy parts in it."
Daniel: then "Ok........"

Yes folks, I live oblivious to the world. The only things that come on my TV are ESPN (even when athletes are getting interviews and may have a cuss word bleeped out, I cover my ears), the Discovery channel (except the mating habit segments), Food and Garden Network, and the Evangalism stations (with the crazy preachers). I dont change my radio from KSBJ, and I certainly dont have any other music than Christian music (FYI - i enjoy many different types of music.....other than Christian, but for the most part - i've found that most of the only really TRULY positive and uplifting stuff most often times is stuff that Christian artists sing about)
In all honesty, I really hope that i dont come accross as a Christian that is totally out of touch with the world, or one that appears 'Holier-than-thou'. If i thought i was being like that - either one of my good friends should slap me or i would make an unbelievable effort to get back in touch with this world that i live in.
By no means am i saying that i grew up on the streets of Harlem, or know what "real hip hop" is ...I didnt, and i probably dont.
But what i do feel like when people say things like that is - CRAP - utter crap.
And it sucks because it makes me feel like i cant possibly relate to ANYTHING my friends (even some of my Christian friends) are saying, struggling with, or have gone through; when in actuality - i can relate to some things
Some things I havent experienced - and for that - i'm thankful - i dont really want to have gone through my girlfriend getting pregnant and having the choice regarding abortion, or something of that kind of life experience...
Man - it just frustrates me (which some people love to see) when someone assumes that i dont have a clue whats going on...
eh o well -

Maybe its me...

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Man alive, what a beautiful day today. The sun is shining, its about 74.3 degrees and the sky is blue as, the words for a hyperlink. I think the people of Houston and surrounding area deserve it, as we had rain for the past 268 hours. dang...
Oh well. I"m gonna go get to work on my college apps - actually just finish up the essay for the Texas Common Application.

On another note, I wish that we had a better shot at playoffs than hoping for a win for Woodlands against KF.

On another note, I wish that Incubus would play another show so i could go enjoy it agains.

On another note, I wish that i had some easier classes so i could get into the top 10 percent.

On another note, I wish that the decision as to which college i would attend would be much easier.

On another note, I wish that illegal drugs would not affect the lives of so many people

On another note, aloha

Monday, October 28, 2002

Jon Boben and Steven Morris have informed me that the Cadets didnt actually draw their swords, but they put their hands on them. Steve told me that one of the Cadets clotheslined a crazed Husker fan, leaving him unconscious. Sounds very exciting. I cant wait till the UT/A&M game; it will be so very intense.

School sucks.

Sunday, October 27, 2002

INCUBUS - enough said....holy crap.....woah

On another note...Chris Riley informs me that as Nebraska fans tried to storm Kyle Field after their win (a dumb move in the first place), the Corps of Cadets at A&M drew their swords!
I cant believe it...holy ridiculous is that?
I'll answer that question - UNBELIEVABLY ridiculous
Why on earth would they do that? If some excited Husker fan decided to step onto the 20 yardline, would a "protective" Cadet have rammed his sword through his rib cage and pierced his heart?
I dont know - maybe he would have...I'd say hopefully not, for his own good as well as the crazed fan's.
There would be absolutly no justification for a criminally stupid (and serious) offense. Would this Cadet have been charged with murder? YES. Would this Cadet probably have the support of most of the Corps and/or the University? YES. I hope that any Texas Aggie out there would not support their actions of rendering their arms to "defend" the "sacred ground" that large, angry men (from both Nebraska and A&M) just played a game on. Why, Cadets? Why?! Give me, someone! Anyone! to justify these absurd actions. If i'm wrong or mistaken about the FACTS in any way (not drawing their swords, or whatever) let me know so i may retract the commentary if i deem it to be stupid.
Other than that Score 1 for UT and loss of a point for A&M this weekend in my college decision game (choice that most likely will be between A&M and UT).
Right now, I'm a Bearkat...and we must beat Klein Forest

Saturday, October 26, 2002

Thank you.
Thank you to all of those who have hit my blog looking for daily updates.
I just came off of one of the busiest weeks ever. I had 2 tests and a project to complete. I wish i had time to talk to all of my friends on AIM, but i had to do what i had to do. So last night i spent the night at Austin's after we lost to Spring. This sucks. We arent guaranteed to be in the playoffs now, and to get in we have to have the Woodlands beat Klein Forest, and we MUST beat Klein Forest in 2 weeks. This really is upsetting. We didnt do well at all last night. It was miserable conditions and our starting quaterback Zack Schnider was injured in the 2nd quater. It was crazy!

More later

Monday, October 21, 2002

Ok, check this out... I shaved my head. Bald. Completely bald. Many people saw me today at school. I got comments such as: "Wow!" and "Thats...interesting..." I was told throughout the day today that my hair (or lack thereof) looked better than Austin's. I guess that its because he has a huge lump from an accident when he was 3 or whatever that is exemplified by the shave. Well - i'm trying to get some pictures so you can see them.

I can't stand it when people do things without regard for other's feelings. People who do this are ridiculously selfish and ignorant. Why dont they just buck up and do something they may not want to do.

Saturday, October 19, 2002

We tore them up - we played better but, man alive- a key interception (bad pass by #9) for them and - geez - we just gave it up. In 20 years we havent beat them. That just sucks. Well Austin shaved his head like - bald - acutally i helped him and i'm doing it sunday, cuz i have family portraits sunday afternoon. Oh well, go figure. I'm at my house w/ Ben Williams tonight just hanging out - talking to my friend Caitlin from Seattle. Interesting story a/b us, ask me sometime. Have a super rest of the saturday folks.

Friday, October 18, 2002

Allright - i'm in first period again working on our project. I hope everyone has a great day today, because I know that I will. After we pick up his boat today, Austin is coming back to my house and we are going to shave his head. Originally it was my idea to shave my head - and i'm going to do it also, but i have to wait till after "family portaits" on sunday. So as soon as we get back from the place where we're taking w/ my hair. This is going to happen, unless Austin or I raise 50 dollars not to shave our heads. Comments anyone? Oh well

Thursday, October 17, 2002

So my parents just left town about 2 minutes ago and I am very very exicted about just being on my own this weekend. My brother is with me but he's gonna be at his friend's house and work and soccer most of the weekend, but its cool. I'm like really pumped! Miori is coming over in a little bit w/ Pat and we're gonna hang out then i get to see the Northside Hustlas in action tonight at the champ - wrecking down the shop in the flag football league. How i wish i was a part of that. My friend Jon Armour promised me a spot in earlier months saying "Weizel, you're on the team, I'll let you know more later." So i waited, and guess what - when it came time for the "first practice" - guess who was left out...ME - and Armour's excuse was "You didnt sign up and pay, everyone else did." So i come to find out that not only hasn't Miori paid, but Austin, Ben and Matt Reynolds hadn't paid either - go figure. I guess Armour didnt think that i had what it takes to play on 'his' team. So I suppose I'm not as good as Brian Jones (obviously the weakest player on the team). I'm not bashing Brian, but i do believe that i could read defenses better and run faster as well as catch better than him. I just think that, I could be wrong but i doubt it. Ok well i suppose i'll go try to do something productive, maybe the little homework i have. Anyway, I'm sure you'll be hearing more about this weekend of freedom later.
Oh wait, i'm in first period again doing not alot - my partner - a fellow other Latin 4 students have dubbed "Jumpy" had found a website that breaks down all of the possible categories of our great country
this is it

visit this site - its very interesting - in fact - visit that whole site - its even more intersting
there is a breakdown of the 2000 census that include "Humans over 5 years of age who speak another language other than English 'very well'"
wow - what a waste of my tax dollars - i think

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

oh yes
about my paper for the comparison or contrast topic
i chose to contrast Rold Gold Tiny Twists pretzels with
Rold Gold Sharp Cheddar pretzels -
So we (my friends in the class w/ me - adam, austin, keeni, chels, and ashley) go into class today and there sits the forlorne mr spreckels - sick as a sick dog - and he says "i'm not feeling well, turn your papers in and leave."
and so we do as he says and head over to the Miori's house - wow! - good times - the most perfect day of the year and i'm not in class i'm in my best friends backyard kicking fieldgoals, playing with his dog, and talking to some of my close friends...what a day...then comes homework - then church - it was ok - then joey called me - joey is so great - i love him
talk to ya'll tommorrow
Wow - 145 hits
like - i know its really nothign but the fact that people hit my site and read it and stuff is like - i dunno i just love it cuz it makes me feel special - the fact that people are reading it, thats just like awesome
hopefully i can enlighten some peoples' lives as to how i see the world turn
so thank you dear blog readers -
"So keep it here for almost daily updates on Dan's life and his views of events therein..."
Have a wondeful night
I think I've sucessfully changed my bloggin URL

i believe its now

click here
man alive- i thought i lost all of my last entry that i typed at school
dang - well i'm glad i didnt
i'm fixing to go to college english - 1301 - at tomball
its a joke
haha - like funny funny joke- its that easy
i'll post later on what i wrote about for my paper
Hello readers, I'm at school in first period, and i figured i'd take the time to post a lil entry, type thing
I was going to try and make my blog funny, but, oh wait, i cant make it funny, it just has to be humorous to whoever finds it funny.
If its not funny, then you dont have to laugh or read my blog.
Anyway, Let me tell you why i'm taking Latin 4 - 'Honors' - there is really one main reason, and thats because i didnt work hard enough in the following classes: Psychology, Latin 2, English 1, Precal advanced, and some others.
You see, i'm 11, now, spots away from the top 10 percent of my class. When i got my class rank in the summer, I was 100 out f 926 people. I was expecting my class rank to be somewhere well within the threshold of the top 10 percent, so when i found out that i was 7 spaces out, you can imagine (or maybe you cant) how pissed off i was. This is something that just gets me frustrated. I cant stand the fact that I got beat out of my top 10 percent spots (for the time being however) by people like Grant Sherrick, for instance, since he's sitting 2 spots down from me as i type. I believe he's number 78 and i know for a fact that he conisders himself "extremely lazy" and i'm pretty sure i can beat him on any type of standardized or specialized test. Taking nothing from him but, i think maybe i worked a liiiiiiiitle bit harder than he did. Oh well, there are more important things in life. I'm going to be working harder to maybe boost myself into the top 10 percent by the semester break; seeing now that i am 11 spots out since 30 people found something better to do than EARN A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! holy crap - are people really just that ignorant of education and work, or do they just think that maybe mommy and/or daddy will provide everything for them for the rest of the FRIGGIN' LIVES! pitiful...lame...the list goes on of words i'd like to say to people who disregard education and all the opportunites it brings. Go home, live with you parents, and maybe someday you'll marry someone with a work ethic who's going to make something of their lives, unlike you. I hope my friends all will work hard in college, cuz i know i will.

In other news, it seems that people like to get drunk on weekends. People in high school do this for any number of reasons. Some of the reasons i've heard as to why they 'drink' i will list in the following sentences. Told to me yesterday: "I dont really do it alot, but when you're at a party and everyone's doing it, you'll look just gay if you dont join in, so i do it......I've been drunk before and no matter what she says you always have some control of your body and decision making, so you know what you're doing when you mess around with guys..."
Well to any of my readers who drink regularly in college or high school or heck, even after college...i hope you are having fun - and i hope you are enjoying the entertainment you pay for. Understand this: i do not support what you are doing. I believe its wrong, and i believe it is ridiculous, but understand this also: If you are my friend you are my friend, and i'm not going to completely disregard our friendship because of what you do. What you do is what you do, but i just wont support it. I'm sure i'll post more on this topic later but, i'm through for now.

its time to get to work in Latin. Natalie Swallow has just informed me that this project is due monday and guess who's absent, my partner. This is turning quickly into a great day.

But as Austin Adams says "Hey man, dont worry about it, you're going to Heaven"

Monday, October 14, 2002

Hello everyone
I'm going to work hard me

Sunday, October 13, 2002

hey everyone
homecoming was a blast
its kinda sad now that my last homecoming is over, but its ok
I hope that everyone had a safe weekend
i saw many of my friends from college including katie wynns (last year's homecoming date)
jon boben, chris riley, whitney heckathorne, jill walker, brittany rogers, justin saunders, travis bryan (formerly of tinted blue) and can be found at
and brian crittendon, as well as adam fornea

Saturday, October 12, 2002

my brothers' blog....
my brother has his own blog - click here -
it says my name however, since he is using my blog account....why i dont know.....but so be it...
we beat klein collins tonight 47-0 it was far and away maybe the most boring of games i've ever been to
more on this later
tommorrow is homecoming and i'm excited.

Friday, October 11, 2002

by the way, please email chris riley so that he may put you on the list

Hi its daniel and I have over at my house Chris Riley and Jon Boben (not necessarily in that order of importance) but they are here now - and i love hanging out with them. They are possibly the most funny duo that i could think of hanging out with at any random point in my life, as of now. Jon Boben, as previously mentioned, was the first person that i know of to start publishing a blog regularly. Visit his blog, his audience ranges from people in his hometown Klein, Texas to people from Peru, London, Japan, and, Canada. These people from other countries happen to regularly read it, and that just blows my mind. I want to do a little survey right now and if you are reading this, then please email me and tell me where you are from, that is if you are from another city maybe, and/or you dont see me regularly or know me. My sentences are a bit choppy, since i am excited. Its homecoming weekend and there are great people over here, and Ashley Sullivan's birthday is tommorrow. Happy Birthday Ashley! I love you tons!
G'day, all.
email daniel
I look forward to hearing from my audience from many different places.
This is Jon Boben, and I just had to hack the system for my buddy Dan. You can thank me for the counter by visiting my blog @

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Ok, so its homecoming week - and alot of my friends will be coming down into town from their respective places - and i want to hang out with them so - please - call me whoever you may long as i know you.... 832.444.1161 - i want to see YOU! - if you are just a friend of mine - HI - ! i'm sure i'll talk to you this week as well...
Affirmative Action is not one of the best things for American society.....
? ?

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace
Romans 8:6
Chris Riley (of the Riley Factor) has written the 2nd installment of the 2nd volume of Riley Factor.
Chris' email address is
He would love for you to subscribe - its free and its funny....thank you chris for bringing many laughs into my inbox
Your work is truly appreciated and admired

Monday, October 07, 2002

Wow - i'm so confused - i tried to put this counter on my website and i posted it in the writing space - but it seems that it has not gone to the place i watned it to go.....i'm so confused.....:( me someone....

Saturday, October 05, 2002

Hey Everyone
I hope I've gotten some hits - Jon Boben if you are reading this please tell me how to get a "hit meter" on my site....
Well Klein beat Conroe today
I got a little red from the sun
I'm not sure what to say - i'll think of something fun to say a little later this weekend...
I'm tired
A few more things:
- Jon Boben was the first one in my knowledge to have a blog (within the people that i know)
- The trench coat explaination is why i named my blog the trench coat
- One of my favorite sayings is "dont sing it, bring it" so thats my address
OK - check it out...
2 things
1) I don't use correct punctuation and sentence endings...whatever...i just dont
2) Trench Coats, on someone relatively cool multiplies their coolness by an infinite amount
and tell me in any movie when a trench coat isnt blowing up from the wind (Count of Montecristo, MI 2, Matrix) or movement, doesnt look cool, it just doesnt happen
OK - check it out...
2 things
1) I don't use correct punctuation and sentence endings...whatever...i just dont
2) Trench Coats, on someone relatively cool multiplies their coolness by an infinite amount
and tell me in any movie when a trench coat isnt blowing up from the wind (Count of Montecristo, MI 2, Matrix) or movement, doesnt look cool, it just doesnt happen

Friday, October 04, 2002