Sunday, June 27, 2004

Thank you Kim Podraza, you are great.

Soon I will have 10,000 hits on my blog.

I'm really proud of my blog - it has character.

It has sparked controversies.

It has made people laugh.

It has served as a record keeper for me.

It has helped communicate to people.

It has helped me - and if it has helped you or you enjoyed it, please let me know.

Cal-State Fullerton beat Texas in the College World Series in 2 straight games. They played as a team and they were a true underdog. I was shocked that they beat Texas.

Driving to and from Dallas yesterday, i was reminded how amazing Texas is. It is far and away the best state in the Union. I don't think other states are ridiculous or inadequate, I just believe that Texas is amazing, more amazing than other States.

However, i believe that the United States as a whole, is better than Texas.

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