Wednesday, April 21, 2004

2 separate things:

1. I was at Sweet E's and my ID card wasn't working for Aggie Bucks, the cashier tried like seven times and it still wasn't working. So this guy, who was much older, I guess put my drink on his credit card; so when I took out my credit card, the girl was like, Oh its taken care of. And I looked at the guy and i was like - thanks man. It was the nicest thing that someone has done for me in a while. It was so simple, but it meant so much. So blessed (G. Haake).

2. "As long as there is a Texas A&M where young men and women are taught the lessons of leadership, and trained to make a difference for their fellow man, we who once walked its grounds will have a love for her that does not fade with the years, or ebb and flow with the times. Neither the passage of time, nor the evolution of progress, can dim the enthusiasm, or temper the love, the former student feels for Texas A&M. With each new generation, a new verse is written, but the same chorus is echoed... When our nation calls, Aggies answer. When freedom is jeopardized, Aggies fight. When danger draws near, Aggies run to the sound of the guns!"

Texas Governor Rick Perry
April 21, 2002

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