Monday, November 10, 2003

I'm fairly certain that in some things there is no luck

there is 'chance' but chance is merely a realization of what will happen

i said to myself, as i was driving down welborne figuring out weather or not to pull in to kyle field to park, or try my "luck" at a closer spot ... "I'm feeling lucky"

Do my feelings mean that i'm going to get lucky?
Do my feelings increase the likelihood that i will find a spot in the closer lots?
Do my feelings really make a difference; an actual, physical difference in whether or not i get a spot?

I believe that they don't.
I believe that i was not going to find a spot at the time i drove through those lots whether or not i felt as though i was. I
I belive it is a simple matter of fact that tonight...I'll be parking in the so aptly named "S*&# lot"

Act of the Omnipotent God?

Proverbs 16:9

"The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps."

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