Wednesday, April 23, 2003

I'm about to post my SATIRICAL ESSAY that i wrote for english the other day -
i got some bad vibes after reading my essay and i wanted to make sure that no person felt singled out and hurt by my comments
i was hoping that everyone who heard me read aloud our assignment - as we were supposed to - would realize that this was supposed to be an EXTREME, OUTRAGEOUS EXAMPLE...but - i think that some ppl really thought i might do this - wow - that blows me away - it was a satire - (see for definition - and it had a ring of truth to it - but just about the issue - here
you make the call...remember - THIS IS A SATIRICAL ESSAY

My Modest Proposal (Based on Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal"

In Jon Bon Jovi’s song Its My Life he says “It's my life / It's now or never / I ain't gonna live forever / I just want to live while I'm alive”. This seems to be the feeling of many teenagers today. Anyone should be allowed to do what they want; why should we respect authority – and obey the rules that apply to our lives. Because they are stupid, because they have no meaning and those who made the rules just “don’t get it” or “have no clue what its like living today”. A certain area where many teenagers feel as if they have the right to blatantly disregard the rule is with alcohol. It is evident today in many high schools especially – both public and private, that underage drinking has gotten far out of control. Teenagers with immaturity lack the discipline and the critical thinking skills to disregard opportunities to be, and subsequently drive intoxicated. Many teenagers feel as if it is their lives, and why should they let opportunities for fun pass them by? You only live once you know, many will say, however, I propose that in “living life to the fullest” there is quite a high risk of death as well.
If someone is to notice that on a typical weekend during the school year, many high school students make the decision to drink and drive, they would realize how big an issue it really is. I believe that I have found a way to solve this problem. In order to solve the problem, a complex plan would need to be put into place, however, this plan would only need to be done once in a wide mile radius of subdivisions. I would use an informant to find out where there would be a party where underage drinking might occur – and have that informant contact the event coordinator when someone who is evidently intoxicated is leaving the party to drive under the influence. The coordinator would then take a number of armored vehicles and follow the intoxicated driver until the right opportunity presented itself for one of the vehicles to slam into the car with the driver, making sure that the car would subsequently burst into flames, and the driver would be killed by either the violent crash or the burning aftermath. Some people think that teenagers think they are invincible, and I must admit, that sometimes, as a teenager I feel that way too. I believe that a public sacrifice of a teen drunk driver would definitely make others feel as if they weren’t invincible, and perhaps cause many to realize what a horrid mistake underage drinking is. If one were to take a close look, they would realize how out of hand it has gotten and how many teens don’t have enough strength to say no to peers and to realize what a bad thing it is, and see how they could easily support my proposal. There are a few advantages to this “sacrifice”. For example, to reiterate, people would definitely have a wake up call, and someone would lose a friend. Others might ask, “Is this really a viable solution?” Another might propose to launch a big anti-underage drinking campaign, showing the violent effects of it all without the personal trauma, or even stage a large, fake accident, that only appears real, but in actuality no one was hurt. Granted, it may be a little extreme, but if you sit down and think about it, it really makes sense. Only one teenager would lose their life, as opposed to countless others who might drink and drive, had this public example not been made

there...take it for what you want

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