Saturday, March 22, 2003

I am not quite sure how many of my blog readers happen to read also jon boben's blog
but now i'm going to paste exactly what he wrote in one of his most recent posts of the war
thank you jon, for being a great guy and organizing your thoughs thus:

"Alright, now that we’re actually at war, it’s time to stop the ridiculous protests. We’ve heard your message, and most of us disregarded it. “No blood for oil,” you chant down the drag, ignoring the fate that could have been if we let the evil dictator ignore the resolutions of the Security Council. What is a resolution without enforcement to back it? It is a mere suggestion.

Mr. Hussein,
Would you kindly destroy your weapons of mass destruction at a time that is convenient for you? The threat they pose is quite a bother to the rest of the world, and we would really appreciate it if you could comply with UNSC Resolution 1441, if you can fit it into your schedule, that is.

Thank you ever so much,
You friends at the council

How convincing does that sound? Put yourself in the shoes of the dictator for a moment. If someone sent you this letter, what would your first course of action be? Would you immediately leap off of your throne and begin to call in you cabinet to initiate the immediate destruction of the said weapons? I think not. You would probably gather up a few look-alikes, acquire a few castles, and have the said weapons constantly moving so that inspectors could have virtually no chance of finding them.

If, as a dictator, you know that there is no threat of enforcement, there is also no motivation to comply. In fact, you can continue to kill and rape the people over which you rule. You can have a team of scientists to develop nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons. You can continue to be a threat to the world; a thorn in its side.

But everyone longs to be loved. That’s what a lot of us live for. Soon you, too, will seek love. Where will you find someone that can look past all of the evil deeds you’ve performed over the years? Luckily for you, there are plenty of people who will do so. First, you can turn to a Baggett munching, cheese eating, wine drinking, smelly bunch of cowards that we call the French. Jacques Chirac, the President of this socialist wasteland, was quoted as saying, "As far as I'm concerned, war always means failure." It has become apparent over the years, that France has almost become synonymous with failure. Perhaps instead of freedom fries and freedom toast, we should have failure fries and failure toast. Though somewhat less appetizing, the name is significantly more relevant to this embarrassment of a country.

You’ll also be able to find allies in ignorant protestors all over the United States. Their country gives them the right to protest its actions, and they will use that right to the fullest extent. Liberal universities will cancel classes so that students may go into nearby towns and cities to protest the war with your nation. Streets of major cities will be blocked off by hundreds and hundreds of bodies. You are very lucky, Mr. Dictator, that these people haven’t the ability to comprehend what the future will be like if your regime isn’t decapitated.

A dozen people standing around a statue of a dead man holding signs probably aren’t going to cause Washington to shut down, and the war in Iraq to immediately end. If it makes you feel good about yourselves, then by all means continue to protest the war that is currently going on. (Heaven forbid we would inhibit you from inflating your ego!) Take a stand against the quarter of a million American troops that are currently in the gulf fighting for your right to take a stand against them. Quite a paradox, isn’t it? But, if for some reason you actually wanted to help the world to become a better place, perhaps you should cut your metaphorical hair, stomp out your metaphorical flowers, get yourself out of the Vietnam War era fantasy you're stuck in, and go become a productive member of society. No one wants to listen to you anymore.

According to the Houston Chronicle, the Harris County Democratic Party passed a resolution saying it "opposes a pre-emptive war against Iraq without the support of the United Nations Security Council." Well, thank goodness. I know the entire world was on the edge of their seats waiting to see how the Harris Country Democratic Party felt about the war. I don’t know what would happen to the situation overseas if the county party organization wouldn’t have publicized this 15-1 vote."

Ladies and gentlemen,
Jon Boben

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