Saturday, January 11, 2003

well i'm in virginia workin' it - oh - wait maybe ash wont read my blog so -i hope someone who knows what i mean reads this - maybe my girlfriend reads it -HI BRITTANY ;) - hm hm - well i'm gonna come home late sunday night - my plane gets in when some of you all will be sleeping - 11 pm - work it me - my brother scored on the 7-0 walloping - good for them - but anyway - i hope everyone enjoyed hanging at krystolyns house tonite - i know i let her down if i didnt get my xbox stuff over therre - man - i'm so freaking pissed - i'm sorry krys if you read this but....dang - i feel really freaking faggotlike - eh...sorry - happy bday

i need a job - i have 20 dollars spendable right now - how upsetting - i'm hanging in virginia - and we're fixing to watch zoolander again - he doesnt leave folks - der-ek-zoo-lan-der does not leave my life - he's one of the top 5 best created characters in a movie - ever - some of the top 10 include - harry and lloyd - william wallace (non fiction) - rudy - aladdin - etc.

rock on - be safe -aloha

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