Wednesday, April 21, 2010

i'm always interested to see bloggers and their interests. especially when it comes to the modern day blog-o-sphere. if/when i told people that i blogged back in college... they kinda looked at me pretty oddly and said 'oh cool'. now, my blog is nothing special or anything to write home about, but for me, its been kinda cool to look back at the archives from late high school and early college and see what i wrote. long before facebook publishing and twitter addictions, blogs were an outlet to express thoughts publically. althought i've had my blog address on my facebook page for years now, it doesn't seem as though many of my friends read it. which is fine, i'm not looking for readership per se.

i'm just fascinated by the idea of these young newlyweds just jumping into a blog. its great to read stories and thoughts, but its funny to me, how a popular craze has picked up on something that has been around for a while. fair enough, and nothing but best wishes. because a blog becomes more dear to you, the longer you have/subscribe to it.

1 comment:

christie and kyle said...

i read your blog daniel.