Sunday, May 04, 2003

Variety show is over
and so is the weekend following it -
we have some excellent new standleaders and some standleaders that i personally am bewildered at how they made it -i'm just beside myself at the list of people who didnt make it - more than i am at the people who did make it - i mean - it was crazy - i was at tryouts and i saw who did well and who had crappy tryouts and crappy shirts - i saw that and i remembered and i'm pretty sure that every standleader there voted for many of the people who didnt make it - and i'm not sure about the teachers but - it just seems so weird to me - who knows

well its over and its really too bad to see my school year end - especially such a big part of it - eh...but its ok - soon enough i'll be opening a new chapter in my life...we'll see

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