Sunday, February 09, 2003

sorry for the lack of blogging

i watch klein win against oak friday night - my brother would have scored if grove would have passed the ball on one specific instance...but its ok...we won
then i played poker for a while at craddocks house - i came up 2 bux - i'll take it

tried on my tux sat. for the ncl senior presentation sat. night - whew - glad it fit
danced my tail off sat. at NCL senior presentation - met some really nice gals - lauren zoleman from tomball - lauren if you run across this -hahaha - it was nice meeting you -
and jordan carr - whose middle name is colette - and there is a guy on my bro's socer team named jordan colett - very strange - anywho - sunday was churhc at the new ELEMENT - the student service - pretty sweet - then lunch at willies w/ some good folks - target w/ fryman for a few -
nap for 2
homework to make me blue
sleeping early tonight and dreaming of you

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