Wednesday, February 25, 2004

So, this week has gone by amazingly quickly - its been rough - so much stuff on my mind

i'm trying to keep my grades up but i'm worried that i might not be able to register early

man that makes me bummed

this weather is so amazingly inconsistant - so now - its like 48 and raining when i was sweating yesterday

Monday, February 16, 2004

"But there is nothing in the nature of tolerance that requires you to say that all beliefs, all religions, and all social practices are equally admirable. If you did not think that some were better than others, there would be nothing for you to tolerate."

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

On the inside of one of the stalls on the 6th floor of Evans Library there is written:

"High school hero = non-reg zero."


Monday, February 09, 2004

I've got a great idea...

why don't we be extremely critical of our president's policies

why don't we arouse people to NOT support our leader

oh wait - you have the right to disagree with W's policies - of course

but do you really understand what they're about?

maybe you do - and if you do - then your opinions are justified - you really understand the issue and are knowledgeable about your side if someone were to question it...

if you are - thats awesome.

but if you aren't - your arguments are empty - they are just words w/o meaning or significance - just fightin' words

and thats too bad

Friday, February 06, 2004

Well...its 330 am and i don't think i'll make it to history tomorrow

but i might


Its 1130 and i just got dropped off by angie black and tom hope (thope)

it was nice that angie treated me to shakes...after an amazing time at breakaway

and after getting paid from work

and after getting a good parking spot - right in front of my dorm

Evan from the 4th floor (hssss FLOOR WARS) calls me and tells me that we are having a poker tourney
and to bring my chips up -
Austin my roommie has borrowed my chips so i borrow some other guys down the hall - i know him don't worry - he is lebanese (yes i checked that spelling - i'm right) and him and i go back and forth - but i love the kid
and his car is very fast - very very fast - turbo protege fast
so i go up to play and we move the 9 person tourny down to the tv lounge...
where i proceed to fall into last place w/ 8 chips
2 people go out - and i'm sitting around paying blinds when i have to - just playin' pretty very conservatively

which paid off

so it comes down to 4 people - after some people dropped - i double up a couple times thanks to the chip leader at the time Noah -
we agreed that 5 dollars from 9 people would split - 30 winner 10 second 5 third (money back)
so at this point w/ 3 left - i'm in third and i've made my money back so i'm happy
i'm playing pretty chill - looking at cards - seeing free flops, etc.
so i catch some cards and after a while aaron "slim pickens" goes all in and noah busts him on the river - it was nuts

meanwhile a drunk, long-haired patrick stumbles in and passes out on the couches that are holding up the half ping pong table that we are playing on - the room smells like alcohol and its unpleasent

so noah has a phenomenal lead and i just earned at least 5 bucks - so i'm even more happy - keep in mind - i went all in w/ pocket rockets and i doubled up to like 20 or so - from my 8 all in - so i catch some cards and double from 35 to 70 from 80 to 160 and we go up from there - i am catching alot of cards and noah won't go all in when i call him in - so to make a really long story short - i win - when he calls on a pair of sevens - and i have a queen and a 7 on the board matching with a queen and 7 in my hand - so i win
30 dollars - which is a good thing - it makes me happy - but more importantly i had a great time - and i got to know some guys much better - and for the first time - so - i might have had less of a good time had i not won - sure - but i still expect to lose money when i play - its not a profit deal for me - if it was - i'd be in Gamblers anon. -

God is faithful - for reasons other than a good night in cards

He delivers me from a bad week - He provides for me over and over again

"Now therefore, our God, we thank You, and praise Your glorious name."
1 Chronicles 29:13