Sunday, February 23, 2003

hello everyone
this past weekend i had an extremely awesome time at my church retreat...
we attended this conference held at our church...
it was way cool to see so many people - close to 3000 students...
pack our church for this conference...
there was a drama team...and like i'm not one for religious drama teams...usually they tend to be melodramatic, unrealistic and not effective...but this team was way more than i expected...they portrayed the life to stephen - the first martyr in the Bible - in modern terms...actually futuristic terms... and it wasnt freakishly gay either...they did a great job of actually making it anyway - it was just a great number of acts - helping to explain Biblical principles about FAITH...and what specific scriptures talk about it and stuff...but the main verses the conference was based on was Hebrews 11 - basically the whole talks about faith being defined as something we hope for and being certain of what we cannot see...i'll write more later dinner time

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